Science Answers the Internet: UYBFS Helps with Your Existential Crises

Science Answers the Internet: UYBFS Helps with Your Existential Crises

Totally self aware

Ridiculous question from the internet: If we are just chemicals, molecules, then each molecule must also be self aware, mustn’t it?

Source of said ridiculous question:

Science’s answer: Nope. Think of it this way: you wouldn’t say that the molecules in a glass of sugar water were self aware, right? If you were to drink the sugar water, some of the molecules of water and sugar would end up in your brain, but would still not be self-aware. “Self awareness” is the ability to recognize yourself as separate from other similar organisms. Some say that this requires the ability to communicate on some level, since in order to recognize yourself as different from others, you would need a “name” to call yourself. It is believed that, besides humans, apes, monkeys, elephants, dolphins, and magpies are capable of self-awareness. Individual molecules are not.


Ridiculous question from the internet: If my parents had never met would I be born to a different mother or father?

Source of said ridiculous question: Yahoo Answers

Science’s answer: It’s crazy to think about, right? Biologically speaking, the answer is no – if your parents had never met, you would never have been born, since the exact combination of genes that make up your DNA would never have been produced. Some religions may hold that the “soul” could go to another child in this case, but given that your genetic makeup and upbringing would be completely different, even if this was the case, you would not be the same person had your parents never met. Since UYBFS isn’t a philosophical joint, you’ll have to do your soul-searching elsewhere, but in a literal biological sense, the answer is a simple “no.”


Ridiculous question from the internet: Could a goat eat itself?

Source of said ridiculous question: Google Autofill

Science’s answer: Why on earth would a goat eat itself? If you are asking if a goat could eat part of itself, then yes. Animals do this all the time when grooming – they swallow hair and dead skin cells. If you are asking if a goat could consume every part of itself, then of course not. At some point it would succumb to its wounds and no longer be able to continue eating. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?

Toby Keith wants to hunt…

* We have covered the answer to the third question before. What eats goats? Lots of things, including coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, and Toby Keith.



Ridiculous question from the internet: If human beings became extinct, what would happen to planet earth? Will it turn into another Mars like planet?


Source of said ridiculous question: Yahoo Answers

Science’s answer: Let’s be honest here, the extinction of the human race would probably be the best possible thing for the planet Earth. Assuming all other animal species survive, the sudden end to mass pollution of the atmosphere (with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases), the water (with plastics, mercury, and other contaminants), and the soil (with metals and radioactive waste) would be extremely beneficial to the planet. In addition, many species that we have pushed to the brink of extinction because they are tasty (many fish, MONKEYS*, buffalo), we are destroying their habitat (this probably includes most plants and animals) or we just run them over (like whales, raccoons, and birds) would likely make a sudden recovery. Contrary to your assertion, the Earth would do just fine.  The Earth does need us around. The best thing we could do for this planet is go extinct, or maybe move to Mars and screw that planet up?


Ridiculous question from the internet: Black holes – do they act as gateways into god’s rectum?

Source of said ridiculous question: Yahoo Answers

Science’s answer: Come on, really? You don’t believe this – no one does. I’m betting you just got high and started writing silly questions into Yahoo Answers to see what happens. Well this is what you get – immortalized for your obtuse question on the Internet. You know what, I’m not even gonna answer this one. Keep on living with the fear that you might end up in God’s rectum if for some reason you encounter a black hole someday…


* That’s right, people eat monkeys. We are really messing this planet up.