Science answers the internet!

Science answers the internet!

The Internet Asks: What is zero minus any number?

Source: Yahoo Answers 

Science’s Answer: It’s the negative of that number.  For example: 0 – 7 = -7, 0 – 223 = -223, 0 – (-462) = 462, or a boy has zero apples and the bank repossesses his apple orchard containing 50 trees, each with 100 not-quite-ripe apples on them, then he has -5000 apples, and some very angry investors.


The Internet Asks: Does it take 18 months for twins to be born of just 9?

Source: Twitter

Science’s Answer: Really? Wow. I’m sorry our educational system failed you. For the record, it just takes 9 months. Here’s a fun fact: the mammal with the longest gestation period is the elephant: female elephants are pregnant for approximately 650 days, or over 21 months. The shortest mammalian gestation period belongs to a couple of different marsupials – including the common opossum. Opossum mothers are pregnant for only 12-13 days.


The Internet Asks: Is a chicken an animal or a bird?


Science’s Answer: Birds are animals. An animal is any organism that is eukaryotic (their cells have nuclei), mutlicellular (more than one cell in their bodies), motile (capable of moving in some way), and can’t make their own food. Birds are also awesome.


The Internet Asks: Do midgets have night vision?


Science’s Answer: First of all, the proper term for adults below the height of 4’10” is dwarf – the term midget is considered offensive. There are some vision problems associated with achondroplasia (the most common genetic form of dwarfism), but “night vision” is not one of these. Animals that see well at night are able to do because they can see a broader spectrum of light wavelengths and/or they are able to capture more light in their eyes through several different anatomical and physiological adaptations. The night vision of a dwarf is no different from yours and mine.

Unless you are playing Dungeons and Dragons 5e (what up, Stranger Things fans), in which case, Dwarves have darkvision and can see up to 60 feet in darkness as though it were dim light.